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Sunday, 9 March 2014

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I only know one song by heart—
fox-faced dog with two different colored eyes:
one amber, the other milky marble
lolling in its socket.

At night my heart beats through my ear
like a tiny fist against the pillow.
Static before sleep, this one eye
wanders in and out of this one eye.

How does it go when love’s the only
note, a solitary note slowed by swallows
in the hedgerow, by a child’s fierce
gaze— nothing is as straight.

Rhythm is a note slowed. I get home
like I get what comes after space.
And if I stood at the edge and put out
my hand—  would there be singing.

I ask you in the music if you hear it:
tires in slush, horns, this dripping
from eaves. Slow like the eye in its

orbit. None of this will align.

1 comment:

  1. i dont see a follow button on your blog, great writing
