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Sunday 28 April 2013

Far Too Close—

It’s easy as this—
slipping the pinion

don’t judge
compete, or
have an opinion

or bother existing.

Wind Song

To be the way the wind takes.
The frayed ends of curtain lace

dust the sill, your hand unseen,
and only make your way between.

Shake the coppice row and wend
passed the wind chimes, through the fence.

The hushed rummaging of leaf
and letter. You brush against belief.

Two roads when you begin alone
who goes with you where you have known

the rose that bends out from the stand,
what moves in you eludes the hand.

1 comment:

  1. What's the deal with the mannequins. Hubba, hubba.

    Just kidding. I love all the pictures, and the poem is excellent.

    These two lines:
    **The hushed rummaging of leaf
    and letter. You brush against belief.**

    Whoa ... I love it.
